
(currently on an adoption trial)

DOB: 10/24/2024

Elizabeth was brought into rescue through a concerned community member who was feeding her, her mamma cat and her siblings. After a few weeks, the mamma cat and little kittens stopped visiting, but little Elizabeth continued to visit for food. It was getting very cold at night and Elizabeths family was nowhere to be seen. It was decided she needed a more appropriate place to live and be cared for, so she was placed in rescue.

Elizabeth was the smallest kitty in her new foster home, and she was initially a bit intimidated and unsure of this new life. She quickly latched onto another kitty about her same age and they became fast friends.

Elizabeth becomes more relaxed and comfortable with her new foster home each day. She will still hide when approached quickly, but as soon as she realizes all is safe, she presents herself and demands to be petted. Elizabeth also LOVES to be cuddled and snuggle into bed with her hoomans.

